River East
River East will be the site of a 1,400,000 sf. condominium project consisting of 900 residential apartments, 900 parking spaces and several commercial retail spaces. CMA was contracted to perform pre-construction design consultation, as well as, manage the completion of the remediation process and commence with foundations and site utility construction. The project lies on six acres of what was considered petroleum-contaminated soil. Working with several environmental consultants, CMA developed a “Remediation Work Plan,” which was submitted and approved by the NYC DEC. Once executed the plan successfully removed all contaminated soils. Working with strict deadlines, CMA worked aggressively with the Architect and Engineer to complete the foundation design such that all permits could be obtained and the installation of footing in their final locations could be placed.

Project Details
Description: Soil Remediation of 6-acre site/1.4 million sf. Condominium
Client: Vernon Realty, LLC
Location: Long Island City, NY
Architects: Rawlings Architects PC
Completed: 2009